The best home remedies for smelly shoes.

Read this post to learn the best ways to take care of the problem using only natural remedies.

Here I’ll share effective methods to get rid of shoe smell naturally, without a trip to the shops!

Check all recipes using:

  • Baking soda;
  • Vinegar;
  • Black teabags;
  • Alcohol;
  • Essential oils;

Plus, don’t miss the “homemade shoe deodorant sachet recipe” at the end of the post.

The best home remedies for smelly shoes. Read this post to learn the best ways to take care of the problem using only natural remedies.

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There is almost nothing more embarrassing that being asked to remove your shoes in public if you know your feet and shoes are smelly. Right?

Has this happened to you?

If so, you are most definitively not alone! In fact, foot odor is a very common problem.

Why do my shoes smell so bad?

There are several reasons why your feet and your shoes can have a bad odor.

Primarily, the bad smell is a consequence of a growth of odor-causing bacteria.

The moisture and the heat that naturally occur in your shoes are an ideal ground for breeding bacteria. And if that happens, the odor-producing bacteria will cling onto your feet, leaving you with an embarrassing problem.

How do I make my shoes stop stinking?

Prevention often times is better than cure!

Just like with everything else, there are some steps you could take in order to try and minimise stinky feet and bad shoe odor.

Wash your feet regularly 

It goes without saying that dirty feet are smelly feet! Make sure to clean your feet daily. If under the shower, pay a little extra attention to them, and make sure to clean in between your toes and under the nails. Use an antibacterial soap if possible.

Remember that smelly shoes are very often the result of a bacteria growth in them!

Dry your feet thoroughly 

After washing them, make sure to dry your feet completely. Indeed, moist environments can lead to bacterial growth.

Change your socks daily

Change your socks daily, and even more often if your feet get wet or very sweaty.

Indeed, to prevent an unpleasant smell, you should wear dry socks at all times.

Furthermore, opt for cotton socks if possible. Stick to natural fibres and avoid synthetic ones.

Have a pedicure

No, I’m not asking you to fork out your hard earned cash, don’t worry.

You can easily look after your feet at home, without a visit to your local beauty salon.

Simply keep your toenails clean and short, and get rid of hard skin.

Use a pumice stone to eliminate dead skin.

Alternate shoes

If you can, alternate the use of your shoes. In doing so, your shoes have the chance to dry naturally and you are less likely to experience an unpleasant odor.

Should I throw away smelly shoes?

Thankfully, there are a few home remedies you could try today to solve the problem.

Put down those smelly shoes and close your garbage bin for now!

Let’s see what you could try first, before you get rid of your favorite shoes!

Will deodorant help smelly shoes? Does deodorant work on smelly shoes?

If you are really on a rush, and don’t have time to try any method on your shoes, I’d say you could try to spray some of your body deodorant to help with the smell.

However, I do not think this is a sustainable and effective method in the long term.

Indeed, spraying some body deodorant might only reduce the bad odors for a few hours, if at all.

Better you read on my friend, and see if any of the natural home remedies described below might be of help to you!

What do you spray in stinky shoes?

That is what you might be asking now, after I’ve just told you not to use regular deodorant on your shoes.

There are are natural ingredients you could use instead, such as vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

I’ll cover all of those and more in this post!

the best home remedies for smelly shoes

In this post, I’m going to share with you a few simple ways you could try and solve your problem once and for all.

The good news is that the following home remedies all use natural ingredients you most likely already have in your pantry.

How do you get the smell out of shoes without washing them?

Although washing your shoes is certainly one method I would recommend to try to get rid of a foul odor, I know that that is not always a possibility.

If you are even wondering “can you put smelly shoes in the washing machine?”,  let me tell you that some shoes cannot and should not be washed!

Before considering throwing your shoes in the washing machine, always check the labels or the original box. 


The best home remedies for smelly shoes. Read this post to learn the best ways to take care of the problem using only natural remedies.

In this post, we are going to discuss several methods, using the following ingredients:


Always follow the advice of your trusted health practitioner before using any product around your home.

Although the natural ingredients used in the recipes below are generally safe, always consult with your doctor before using any product. Pay particular attention if you suffer from any condition, allergy or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Seek immediate advice and help from your trusted medical care provider if you are concerned about your health or that of your family members or pets.

For example

While essential oils and natural ingredients are generally safe for pets, some animals might be sensitive to some ingredients, or might develop an allergic reaction. Immediately stop any treatment if you notice any reaction, such as a skin irritation on your dog. Seek immediate help from your local vet if you are concerned about your pet’s health at any stage.

The same advice applies to you and the rest of your family.

Does baking soda stop smells?

Baking soda (or sodium bicarbonate) is an absolute miracle ingredient that you should always have in your home.

I have written several blog posts on homemade cleaning solution and home remedies you could make up easily with baking soda to tackle many jobs around your home.

For example:

How to get rid of fleas in your home fast using natural ingredients

How to get rid of smell in garbage disposal 

The best DIY couch stain remover recipes

How to clean carpet smell: homemade recipes that really work

How to make all natural laundry scent boosters

Homemade non toxic fabric softener

How to make all natural laundry scent booster: get the easy and cheap recipe, made using only 3 natural ingredients you already have at home.

Does bicarbonate of soda stop shoes smelling?

Baking soda is known as a natural deodorizer agent.

In fact, when it comes to get rid of bad body odor, it can be used to make a beautiful and effective all natural deodorant.

You can use it to get rid of smelly shoes too.

Just sprinkle a little amount in your shoes, and let it sit for a while. Before using your shoes, shake out all the baking soda.

homemade shoe deodorant with baking soda

Here’s a simple recipe you could use tonight to solve your problem with smelly shoes naturally.

You will need:

  • 4 tbsp of baking soda;
  • 2 drops of essential oil (optional)

To make

Combine the baking soda and the essential oil (if using) in a small bowl or container with a shaker top.

Liberally sprinkle the inside of your shoes and let sit overnight.

In the morning, just shake off all the baking soda and use your shoes as per normal.

Pro tip

For this recipe, you could use 3 tbsp of baking soda and 1 tbsp of corn starch if you prefer. Make sure to mix the two ingredients well.

In addition to that, you could use several essential oils, such as:

  • Lemon essential oil;
  • Eucalyptus essential oil;
  • Tea Tree essential oil;
  • Lavender essential oil;
  • Clove essential oil;
  • Peppermint essential oil;
  • Etc.

Is it safe to put baking soda in your shoes?

It is perfectly safe to use baking soda in your shoes.

Can you put baking soda in wet shoes?

I would strongly discourage you from pouring baking soda into wet shoes.

The baking soda will cling to the shoes, leaving you with a sticky paste! Very unpleasant and almost impossible to get rid of the following morning.

Instead, let your shoes dry before sprinkling them with baking soda.

However, the baking soda will get rid of any leftover moisture, so do not worry if the shoes are slightly wet from water or sweat.

How long does it take baking soda to deodorize shoes?

For best results, leave the baking soda to work overnight, if possible.

At the very minimum, wait for a few hours.

Lastly, very smelly shoes might require a full 24 hours to get rid of unpleasant odors.

does vinegar get rid of smelly shoes?

White vinegar is another great natural deodorant. Moreover, it has antibacterial properties.

If used properly, it will get rid of smelly shoes in no time, without leaving a “vinegary” scent behind.

how to use vinegar to get rid of smelly shoes?

Just grab a spray bottle and fill it with one cup of water and one cup of vinegar (white, distilled vinegar. Not cooking vinegar!). Shake well to mix. To use, simply spray your shoes liberally, and let them air dry.

As the vinegar dries, the smell will slowly go away.

Wait till the shoes are fully dry before using them again.

Pro tip

If you prefer, you could add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this mix.

Choose any from the list above. Feel free to experiment with other scents as well.

Do black tea bags stop shoes smelling?

I confess that I’m literally addicted to tea. I love it and drink several cups a day.

However, I have never used a couple of tea bags to deodorise my shoes!

Actually, until I did some research for this article, I didn’t even know it was a thing!

Here it goes anyway.

According to this article:

“After you’ve enjoyed a warm cup of black tea, place the tea bags in your shoes to fight the bad odor. Black tea contains tannins, which have been shown to be extremely useful in killing the bacteria found inside shoes.”.

As I haven’t tried this method before, I cannot guarantee it will work, so please do try it at your own risk!

How long do you leave tea bags in shoes?

According to the above mentioned article, you should let the tea bags cool down for a couple of minutes after using them to brew a cuppa.

Once they are slightly cooler, you can place them in your shoes and let them sit for about an hour.

After that, remove the tea bags, and wipe off the excess liquid.

does rubbing alcohol get rid of smelly shoes?

Rubbing alcohol is indeed fantastic to use if you are trying to get rid of smelly shoes.

Not only it eliminates bad odors, but it also disinfect your shoes at the same time. In doing so, using rubbing alcohol in your shoes will help in preventing unpleasant smells in the future.

How do you clean shoes with alcohol?

Simply pour or spray rubbing alcohol on a clean rag or cloth, and start rubbing your shoes down. Make sure to cover all parts of the shoes, inside and outside. Pay particular attention to the soles of your shoes.

Leave the shoes to air dry naturally. 

Can you use essential oils to get rid of smelly shoes?

Essential oils are powerful natural plant extract that you can use in so many ways in your daily life, from supporting your health, to cleaning your home.

You can use essential oils to deodorise your smelly shoes, following this simple method.

How do you get the smell out of shoes with essential oils?

All you need for this method is a spray bottle, some water and your favorite essential oil or blend.


Only use 100% unadulterated and pure essential oils, from a reputable company. 

Never use essential oils topically unless properly diluted, and only use them after a patch test.

Pay particular attention if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or on older people and young children.

Some people might develop skin irritations or adverse reactions.

Never ingest essential oils without reading the label first, as not all oils can be consumed internally.

Always talk to your trusted medical practitioner and/or certified aromatherapist before using essential oils, especially if you suffer from any allergy, intolerance, are ill or are already taking any medication.

you will need:

  • A spray bottle;
  • Water;
  • Essential oil of choice.

to make

Fill the bottle with fresh clean water.

Add a few drops of your oils of choice, and shake well.

to use

Simply spray the inside of the shoes very well and let them air dry completely before using them.


This mix contains water. Therefore it will spoil very quickly. This is why, it is best to make up only the amount you need every time, in order to avoid bacteria forming in the solution.

Discard any leftover immediately.

Pro tip

For a longer shelf life, you could substitute the cold water with witch hazel or vodka!

For this recipe, you could use several essential oils, such as:

  • Lemon essential oil;
  • Eucalyptus essential oil;
  • Tea Tree essential oil;
  • Lavender essential oil;
  • Clove essential oil;
  • Peppermint essential oil;
  • Etc.

Choose the oil or blend you prefer, and feel free to experiment with different scents every time!

beginners guide to essential oils


Are you curious about what Essential Oils are, and what they can do for you and your family?

Did you know that EO have been used for centuries to help support our health and wellbeing?

If you want to learn more, I have created the perfect complete guide to beginners EO users. You can get it on my Etsy shop at a special introductory price.

homemade shoe deodorant sachet recipe

As promised at the beginning of the post, I’m going to share with you a simple DIY recipe for “homemade shoe deodorant sachet”.

It is super easy to make, and it will keep your shoes smelling nice for longer.

Read the complete step-by-step process to kill fleas in your home environment, fast and effectively and using only natural ingredients.

You will need

To make

Fill the sachets with baking soda and add 1tsp of plain salt (the salt will help in absorbing excess moisture). Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or blend.

Tie the top of the sachets well, to prevent the contents from spilling out.

To use

Simply place one sachet in each shoe, and let it sit overnight.

You could do this every evening, or whenever you need it.

Pro tip

Make sure to add a few more drops of essential oils every now and then, as they evaporate when in contact with air.

If you prefer, you could replace the bicarbonate of soda with plain white rice (uncooked).

If you don’t have cotton sachets, you can easily make them by repurposing old socks.


If the above recipe has given you the idea of making your own homemade cleaners, but you don’t know where to start, do not worry: I have an entire category on my blog dedicated to natural household cleaning!

For example:


My dear friend, if at any stage you experience bad smells and sweaty feet, I hope you will find this post useful.

Although we are still not out of winter, before we know it spring and summer will be here. And the warm weather is the perfect environment for those bacteria responsible for your problem!

Thankfully there is an easy way to solve this embarrassing problem! No need to throw away your favorite pair of shoes just yet.

Please leave a comment below and let me know if you have found any of the methods described here helpful. I’d love to hear from you.

Till next time, Dee.


When using Essential Oils, make sure to use only CPTG Certified, Pure, Tested Grade ones, like Doterra Essential Oils. The content of this blog post and any information provided here has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), any government entity or medical practitioner. It is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, illness or condition. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical counselling. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from any medical condition or illness or injury, you SHOULD consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any product.

Hi, I’m Dee!

Mom of three; printables creator, natural solutions, simple living and homemade food enthusiast; “Outlander” fanatic.

When I’m not busy writing and designing, you can always find me covered in a cloud of flour in the kitchen, playing and crafting with my children, or making up some blends with my Essential Oils. Also I’m practically obsessed with Crystals and reading during my spare time.

Come along on our crazy journey as a family living in the countryside of Ireland!


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