Check my easy and inexpensive DIY, all natural recipes to clean your oven grill.

They use only pantry ingredients such as:

  • Bicarbonate of soda;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • Water;
  • Essential oils (optional).

Read the post for all the recipes and full instructions!

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR OVEN GRILL NATURALLY! DIY, all natural homemade recipes to deep clean your oven and for regular cleaning. These recipes only use natural ingredients you already have in your pantry, such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and salt.

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Let’s face it: ovens get dirty easily and it’s hard to keep on top of their cleaning.

Burnt-on grease and sticky grime accumulate fast in the inside of your oven, and unless you have an oven with a self-cleaning function, you will need to put in the work!

Sadly, I do not own a self-cleaning oven, so I can’t avoid this awful chore.

I’m surely not the only one that hates oven cleaning, right?

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How do I clean and degrease my grill?

You can buy commercial oven cleaners at your local store, but I honestly would advise you against it.

Commercial oven cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can possibly have detrimental effects on your health, or that of your family members.

In fact, those cleaning products release toxic fumes when you use them.


If you really have to use a commercial oven cleaner, it is best to do it outside, where you will be less exposed to dangerous fumes. If that is not an option, a well-ventilated area will do.

Make sure to wear long sleeved garments to protect your skin, and protective eyewear. Do not forget to wear rubber gloves as well.

How do I clean a greasy oven grill naturally?

In my modest opinion, natural solutions will work just as well (if not better) as the best oven cleaners on the market.

Luckily, I have some ideas for you. 

These methods can get rid of baked-on grease and built-up grime effortlessly, and will make your oven shine in no time!

It’s like having a new oven!

Furthermore, the following recipes work for the interior of the oven, the oven door glass, and for dirty oven racks.

How Often Should You Clean Oven GRILL?

That depends on how frequently you use it. If you use your oven grill often, it is recommended that you clean it every time you use it. If you use it less frequently, you can clean it every few uses or once a month.

It is important to keep your oven grill clean to avoid grease deposits, food residue, and other debris that can cause unpleasant odors and potentially even a fire hazard. Regular cleaning can also help prolong the lifespan of your oven grill and ensure that it continues to function properly.

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR OVEN GRILL NATURALLY! DIY, all natural homemade recipes to deep clean your oven and for regular cleaning. These recipes only use natural ingredients you already have in your pantry, such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and salt.


Always make sure the oven and grill are turned off and cool before cleaning.

Make sure to wear long sleeved garments to protect your skin and protective eyewear.

Always wear protective rubber gloves when cleaning your home, car, or outdoor areas.

Do not handle any cleaning product or infested item without protecting your hands first!

Before applying or spraying any product on your furniture or upholstery, check the labels and cleaning instructions.

Do not spray or treat any expensive item, as you might possibly damage it. Leave costly items to a professional carpet cleaner!

Always test on a small, inconspicuous area first (perform a patch test!).


Always follow the advice of your trusted health practitioner before using any product around your home.

Although the natural ingredients used in the recipes below are generally safe, always consult with your doctor before using any product. Pay particular attention if you suffer from any condition, allergy or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Seek immediate advice and help from your trusted medical care provider if you are concerned about your health or that of your family members or pets.

For example

While essential oils and natural ingredients are generally safe for pets, some animals might be sensitive to some ingredients, or might develop an allergic reaction. Immediately stop any treatment if you notice any reaction, such as a skin irritation on your dog. Seek immediate help from your local vet if you are concerned about your pet’s health at any stage.

The same advice applies to you and the rest of your family.


That is the one million dollar question, right?

When your oven is really dirty, nothing works better than baking soda, salt and essential oils!

This is my favorite method  for deep cleaning, because it produces the best results.

Simply make a paste with water and baking soda and add your favorite essential oil to it.

Spread it around the oven interior, and let it sit for at least an hour before rinsing.

Follow up with a white vinegar cleaning solution.

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR OVEN GRILL NATURALLY! DIY, all natural homemade recipes to deep clean your oven and for regular cleaning. These recipes only use natural ingredients you already have in your pantry, such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and salt.

The BEST homemade natural oven grill cleaner recipe

Here’s the full recipe.

CLEANING PASTE ingredients 

You will need:

  • 1 cup baking soda 
  • 6 Tbsp warm water 
  • Salt (optional, see pro tip)
  • Soft cloth 


You will need:

CLEANING PASTE instructions

Firstly, remove the oven racks, as you will need to clean them separately.

In a medium bowl, add the baking soda and water, and mix them to make a paste.

You are aiming for a sand like consistency, so add a bit more water or bicarbonate of soda until you reach it.

Evenly spread the paste all over the oven interior, making sure to avoid the heating elements. You can use your hands for this job or a clean cloth or oven brush. 

Let the paste sit for at least an hour. Allow more time for a very dirty oven.

After the waiting time has passed, use a damp cloth to remove all the paste.

Discard any remaining paste immediately.


When making the baking soda paste, you can add 1 Tbsp of salt to it. The salt will help in lifting the grime, making your deep cleaning faster and easier.


This is the second part of this deep cleaning of your oven & grill.

Although it might seem as a superfluous step, I can assure you it is not!

Using this vinegar solution will give your oven grill a nice shine, and will get rid of all residues from the baking soda paste.

Mix the white vinegar and essential oil in a spray bottle and shake it well. Now, simply spray the solution all over your oven (skip the heating elements) and wipe the surfaces with a clean, dry cloth. No need to rinse it.

Additional notes

You can store this cleaning solution in a dark cupboard, away from direct sunlight and heat for a very long time! This mix doesn’t contain any water, so it will last almost indefinitely.

I always have one bottle ready in my kitchen cause I use white vinegar to clean windows, mirrors, stainless steel appliances, countertops, etc.

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR OVEN GRILL NATURALLY! DIY, all natural homemade recipes to deep clean your oven and for regular cleaning. These recipes only use natural ingredients you already have in your pantry, such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and salt.

I have written several blog posts on homemade cleaning solution and home remedies you could make up easily with baking soda to tackle many jobs around your home.

For example:

How to get rid of fleas in your home fast using natural ingredients

How to get rid of smell in garbage disposal 

The best DIY couch stain remover recipes

How to clean carpet smell: homemade recipes that really work

How to make all natural laundry scent boosters

Homemade non toxic fabric softener

how to clean black mold in the shower

The best home remedies for smelly shoes 

How to clean sticky wood kitchen cabinets


The recipe above works very well when you want to do a deep cleaning of your oven.

However, when you just want to give your oven grill a quick cleaning after using it, you might want to use this recipe instead.

You will need:


Mix all ingredients together in the spray bottle and shake it well.

To use, simply spray the solution around your oven, and on the door (avoid the heating elements). Gently scrub the surfaces to get rid of grease and food residues.

With the help of a clean, damp cloth, rinse well and let it air dry naturally.

Store the cleaning mix in a dark cupboard, away from direct sunlight and heat. 

Discard after 2 weeks max.

Pro tip

If you don’t have the Doterra On Guard cleaner concentrate, simply swap it with 1 Tbsp of dish soap. Bear in mind that dish soap makes a lot of bubbles and foam, and can be a little harder to rinse away.

How To Clean Oven Racks with DishwASHER Detergent (OR DISH SOAP) in the bathtub

As mentioned above, you will need to clean your oven racks separately.

There are a few methods available. 

Some call for the use of dryer sheets, aluminium foil, ammonia, etc.

You are naturally free to experiment with any of those. However, I prefer to stick to this tried and tested method:

  • Place an old towel on the bottom of the tub. Lay the oven racks on top of it.
  • Fill the bathtub with enough hot water to cover the metal racks.
  • Add 1/2 cup of dish soap and mix gently.
  • Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional).
  • Let the soapy water to sit overnight.
  • The following morning, scrub the racks well to get rid of stubborn dirt, and rinse them thoroughly.
  • Dry the racks well before placing them back in your oven grill.
beginners guide to essential oils


Are you curious about what Essential Oils are, and what they can do for you and your family?

Did you know that EO have been used for centuries to help support our health and wellbeing?

If you want to learn more, I have created the perfect complete guide to beginners EO users. You can get it on my Etsy shop at a special introductory price.


There are several essential oils that I recommend using for any type of cleaning.

For example:

  • Lemon essential oil;
  • Wild orange essential oil;
  • Tea Tree (Melaleuca) essential oil;
  • Eucalyptus essential oil;
  • Cinnamon bark essential oil;
  • Clove essential oil;
  • Doterra On Guard blend;
  • etc. 

Feel free to try any essential oil you like, and don’t forget to mix them too if you prefer! 


Only use 100% unadulterated and pure essential oils, from a reputable company. 

Never use essential oils topically unless properly diluted, and only use them after a patch test.

Pay particular attention if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or on older people and young children.

Some people might develop skin irritations or adverse reactions.

Never ingest essential oils without reading the label first, as not all oils can be consumed internally.

Always talk to your trusted medical practitioner and/or certified aromatherapist before using essential oils, especially if you suffer from any allergy, intolerance, are ill or are already taking any medication.


Although I love cooking and baking, I most certainly do not like cleaning my oven afterwards.

Unfortunately, there is no avoiding this chore, so I try to come up with cleaning solutions that are both natural and effective.

I do hope you will find this post helpful. If you try my recipes, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

Till next time, Dee.


When using Essential Oils, make sure to use only CPTG Certified, Pure, Tested Grade ones, like Doterra Essential Oils. The content of this blog post and any information provided here has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), any government entity or medical practitioner. It is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, illness or condition. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical counselling. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from any medical condition or illness or injury, you SHOULD consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any product.

Hi, I’m Dee!

Mom of three; printables creator, natural solutions, simple living and homemade food enthusiast; “Outlander” fanatic.

When I’m not busy writing and designing, you can always find me covered in a cloud of flour in the kitchen, playing and crafting with my children, or making up some blends with my Essential Oils. Also I’m practically obsessed with Crystals and reading during my spare time.

Come along on our crazy journey as a family living in the countryside of Ireland!


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