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The amazing benefits of Doterra Cypress Essential Oil. Learn how to use this powerful Essential Oil in your everyday life!


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The amazing benefits of Doterra Cypress Essential Oil. Learn how to use this powerful oil in your everyday life and also get it for free this January 2021! FREE RECIPES TO USE IT!
The amazing benefits of Doterra Cypress Essential Oil. Learn how to use this powerful oil in your everyday life and also get it for free this January 2021! FREE RECIPES TO USE IT!

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Hello and happy new year everyone!

I hope you all had lovely holidays with your families.

It did go so fast I can hardly believe we are now in January 2021!


We are back to some sort of normality in my home. My husband has gone back to work since last Monday and I’m at home with the children.

As you might know, the schools were supposed to reopen on the 6th of January, but due to the current high levels of new cases of Covid 19, our government has decided to prolong the school holidays till the 11th.

As I type, we are waiting for an official statement from the government, cause it is expected that schools WILL NOT reopen until at least the 1st of February.

So, it is very likely that we will be starting home schooling again from next Monday. Or remote learning I should say.


Whatever way we decide to call it, we will be spending entire days at home.  We are in full lock down since December the 30th, with all shops and cinemas and gyms closed. Therefore, there’s nothing really to do besides a walk outside our home to break the monotony. 

The weather has gone very very cold, as you would expect in January anyway, and the prospect of being stuck at home with very little to do is not one I look forward to, to be honest.

Truth is, I’m one of those people who’s constantly cold, no matter the temperature. 

Thankfully, once again Doterra has rescued me and my family.

The answer to my problems comes in the form of a 15ml precious little bottle of Cypress Essential Oil! 

This Essential Oil is so good, especially in winter, that I think it deserves its own entire blog post!

So, here I am, writing at my desk to tell you all you need to know about it!

In this blog post, I’ll explain what Cypress EO is and how it can be used to improve our daily life, and I’ll also give you a few recipes!


IMPORTANT: Before you start using EO and/or make any DIY product, please read my SAFETY NOTES HERE.


From the Doterra blog: ”The Cypress tree, commonly used in landscapes, is a perennial evergreen. Defining features of this tree are its upright and tall form. These trees can grow to exceptional heights of 60 to 80 feet tall. The foliage of the Cypress tree is dark green and scale like. The tree also produces cones that are 1.5 inches across. These cones are woody and scaly and usually take two years to mature. The origin of the Cypress tree is the Mediterranean area and western Asia”.

THE Chemistry of Cypress Essential Oil

The three main chemical components of Cypress oil are α-pinene, carene, and limonene. Both limonene and α-pinene are part of the monoterpenes group and have strong uplifting characteristics. A-pinene is also well known as a chemical with powerful renewing properties.


Again, from the Doterra website: ”Promoting vitality and boosting energetic feelings, Cypress oil can be used for its aromatic and topical benefits. Cypress oil is composed of monoterpenes, which can help improve the appearance of oily skin. It can also be applied topically to give the body an energizing lift. The chemical structure of Cypress oil also contributes to its renewing and uplifting fragrance. When used aromatically, Cypress oil produces a clean aroma that has both an invigorating and grounding effect on the emotions. Due to Cypress oil’s rejuvenating aroma and skin benefits, it is commonly used in spas and by massage therapists”.

Oils that blend well with Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress oil blends well with citrus oils like Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange, and Bergamot, as well as Clary Sage, Frankincense, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Marjoram, Rosemary and Sandalwood.


Cypress EO can be used both Topically and Aromatically.

It is NOT intended for internal use!

Cautions: possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


Cypress EO has a fresh, woody aroma and it is ideal to diffuse around the house if you want to breathe in the invigorating scent of trees and feel like your are walking in the woods.

Now more than ever, with the Covid 19 restrictions in place, we are all feeling a little bit of “cabin fever” cause we are stuck at home all the time, so just put a couple of drops of Cypress EO in your diffuser and relax. 

You can add EO like Lime, for an invigorating effect, or White Fir and Cedarwood for all the outdoors lovers in your family.

The soft aroma of Cypress will work to renew and uplift the senses. When you are feeling stagnant, inhale Cypress oil directly from the bottle. Inhaling Cypress oil has many benefits, and provides a grounding and stimulating effect on the emotions. Because Cypress oil contains a variety of monoterpenes, its aromatic compounds help to uplift and give you the added boost you may need. 


This powerful EO is known as the “Oil of Motion and Flow”. 

From the book “Emotions and Essential Oils” : “It creates energetic flow and emotional catharsis. Stagnant energies are brought into motion through the fluid energy of this Oil. […] Cypress teaches the soul how to let go of the past by moving with the flow of life. This Oil is specifically indicated for individuals who are mentally and emotionally stuck, stiff, rigid, tense, overstraining, or have perfectionstic tendencies. This hard driving stems from fear and the need to control.The individual tries to force things in life rather than allowing them to unfold naturally”.

Wow…..isn’t that powerful?

The use of Cypress EO will help you to let go of your worries and fear, so that you can enjoy your life by simply let it unfold naturally.

Cypress will show you how to have perfect trust in the flow of life.

Essential Emotions: Your Guide to Process, Release, & Live. Kindle Edition


Cypress is an ideal EO for dealing with grief. It provides strength and comfort during challenging times. 

You can mix it with a carrier oil and apply on your pulse points, or you can diffuse it to support the healthy release of tears and crying. 


Whether you are moving house, or changing job, or are going through a break-up in a relationship, Cypress EO can help you.

Try to sit down quietly and meditate. Inhale directly from the bottle or diffuse it. Visualise the change that is happening in your life, and imagine it unfold in the way you desire, with the outcome you want. The grounding properties of Cypress EO will help you to stay focused and will encourage you to use your inner strength to achieve your goals.  


Cypress EO is known for its protective qualities.

You could make up a spray bottle by adding a few drops to filtered (or cooled, boiled) water and use it around your home, to get rid of unwanted and negative energies.


This EO can be used topically in so many ways.

I’ll give you a few examples.

  1. Make this Essential Oil salve as an effective way to enjoy the aromatic benefits of Essential Oils. The addition of Cypress Oil to the other Oils in this recipe creates an invigorating vapor that can be useful during winter months.
  2. Searching for the energy to get up and run? Don’t sweat it, just apply Cypress oil to your feet and legs prior to a long run. The vitalizing sensation of Cypress oil on your skin will give you the motivational boost you need to endure and enjoy a long run.
  3. Oily skin is a common problem for many people. If you are looking for a way to reduce the shiny glow of oily skin, add Cypress oil to your daily routine. To rid your skin of the oily look, add one to two drops of Cypress Oil to your toner to help improve the appearance of oily skin.
  4. Cypress EO helps to awake a dull complexion, by regulating more blood flow to the face.
  5. Apply 1 drop to each foot to improve circulation.  


As I list some of the benefits and uses of Cypress EO, I keep asking myself: who doesn’t need Cypress right now?

This is just an amazing but unfortunately underestimated EO. I would bet that not many people realise how good and potent it is, especially for its emotional benefits.

I’m going to give you a few recipes now, so that you can start using this amazing Essential Oil right away.  


Acne is a problem that can afflict anyone, and at any age unfortunately.

Teenagers tend to be more prone of course, and they usually reach for shop bought products, in the hope of a fast resolution to their embarrassing “condition”. The problem with those concoctions though, is that they are obviously loaded with unknown ingredients, and they are often very strong, killing good bacterias present on the skin and also damaging healthy skin cells.

Why not make your own anti acne roller instead?

When it comes to skin support for acne problems, Cypress blends very well with Lavender.

The combination of these 2 Oils is very powerful to help you relieve an afflicted skin. 

Cypress is antibacterial and Lavender will soothe an irritated and itchy skin, and will also help to prevent scarring.

Just add a few drops of each to a roller bottle and top with Jojoba Oil (my absolute favourite carrier oil for use on the face, as it is suitable for all skin types). Apply on the face as needed, after your regular moisturiser.

If you want to know more about how to choose the right Carrier Oil, you can read this blog post:


Our body bruises because when we hit a hard surface, our capillaries break.

Cypress EO can help because it is a vasoconstrictor.

You can make up a 10ml roller bottle by adding 10 drops each of Helichrysum, Cypress and Wintergreen, and topping with FCO.

Apply for as long as needed to any bumps, bruises, sore spots, tight muscles, etc.

If you own a Doterra Helichrysum touch roller, you could open it and just add the other 2 EO to it.


Cypress EO can be very helpful when dealing with an overacting bladder, bed wetting or urinary tract infections.

You can apply and massage 2 drops of it (diluted with a carrier oil) on your lower tummy (where the bladder is located) at bed time, or as needed (about every 2 hours), to help fight an infection.

You could also make up a blend by using 5 drops of frankincense, 10 drops of Balance and 15 drops of Cypress. Combine in a 10ml roller and top with FCO. Rub over bladder at bedtime or as needed during the day.


If you suffer from recurring issues with bladder and kidneys, you could make up this blend to use daily, as a preventative measure.

In a 10ml roller add 10 drops each of Cypress, Juniper berry and Celery Seed. Top off with fractionated coconut oil. Apply daily to the lower abdomen.

Use every few hours if dealing with acute pain.


This is a lovely recipe for a DIY Sugar Scrub that helps promote circulation as well as leaving your skin smooth and refreshed.


  • ¾ cup white sugar 
  • ½ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil 
  • 5 drops Cypress
  • 5 drops of another EO of your choice (Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange or Grapefruit work very well for this recipe).

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, till well combined. You can add more sugar or FCO in order to reach the right consistency. You are looking for a wet but not runny mixture.

Store in an airtight glass jar.

To use, just grab a little and scrub your skin gently. Rinse thoroughly. You can follow up with a DIY body butter.

If you want to make your own BODY BUTTER, you can grab ALL MY RECIPES FOR FREE!




At the end of a long and stressful day, you can indulge in a hot bath while benefiting from the aromatic power of Cypress EO.

Add half a cup of Epsom salt and three drops of Cypress Oil to a warm tub, to help your body relax and revitalise after a stressful day.  


Varicose veins plague many women indeed. They are unsightly and uncomfortable to say the least. 

This recipe can help reduce their appearance when used on a regular basis. 

In a 10ml roller, add 2 drops of Frankincense, 6 drops of Cypress, 2 drops of Geranium and 2 drops of Helichrysum. Top with FCO. Apply over area of concern daily (or several times a day).


Any mum out there that suffered from haemorrhoids after giving birth? 

I’m one of them!

No need to suffer in silence cause we can use Doterra EO to help us along.

As mentioned above, Cypress EO will help to support blood flow; Frankincense increases comfort and also helps with the pain; Lavender can help with irritation and itching.

Grab a 60ml spray bottle and add 10 drops each of those Essential Oils and top with Witch Hazel (or FCO). Use as needed.

You could spray a cotton pad with this mixture and apply topically several times a day.   


I found this recipe on the “Advanced Oil Magic” book and I’m loving it!

Combine 3 drops of Cypress, 3 drops of Siberian Fir, 2 drops of Wintergreen and 1/4 cup of baking soda. Add to laundry before starting the washing machine.

You can get the “Advanced Oil Magic” book on Amazon:

Advanced Oil Magic | Advanced Oil Guidebook, Lifestyle Protocols, Hardcover


Well, I hope I have given you a few ideas on how to use this amazing Essential Oil from Doterra.

As always, feel free to reach out and ask for help, should you need it. I’d be more than happy to help you join the wonderful Doterra family!

Also, if you try any of the recipes listed above, drop a comment and let me know!

Till next time, Dee.

The amazing benefits of Doterra Cypress Essential Oil. Learn how to use this powerful oil in your everyday life and also get it for free this January 2021! FREE RECIPES TO USE IT!
The amazing benefits of Doterra Cypress Essential Oil. Learn how to use this powerful oil in your everyday life and also get it for free this January 2021! FREE RECIPES TO USE IT!

IMPORTANT: when using Essential Oils, make sure to use only CPTG Certified, Pure, Tested Grade ones, like Doterra Essential Oils. The content of this blog post and any information provided here has not been evaluated by any government entity or medical practitioner. It is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, illness or condition. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical counselling. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from any medical condition or illness or injury, you SHOULD consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any product.

Hi, I’m Dee!

Mom of three; printables creator, natural solutions, simple living and homemade food enthusiast; “Outlander” fanatic.

When I’m not busy writing and designing, you can always find me covered in a cloud of flour in the kitchen, playing and crafting with my children, or making up some blends with my Essential Oils. Also I’m practically obsessed with Crystals and reading during my spare time.

Come along on our crazy journey as a family living in the countryside of Ireland!


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