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The many uses and recipes of Castile Soap fill my Pinterest feed daily, and I’m not surprised! 

Being such a versatile product, there are so many ways of using it: from face and body wash, to laundry and household cleaners. The list is endless, and it’s only up to you to start using this amazing ALL NATURAL soap!

Learn the many uses of Castile Soap.Get the FREE EBOOK with all the info and tons of simple and quick recipes for every day use.

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Making your own products it’s a great way to save money around the house, and using Castile Soap will help you make DIY products at a fraction of the cost.

Plus, it’s good to know you are using a natural soap.

In my home, we try to use only natural ingredients as much as possible. Castile soap is 100% pure and natural, and it is very gentle on the skin. 

It’s free from harsh chemicals so it’s good for your family and it’s good for the environment.

Castile soap is also economical to use cause a little goes a long way, so you only need to use small amounts when making DIY products.


Castile soap is a non-toxic, biodegradable soap traditionally made from olive oil, though sometimes it is derived from hemp, avocado or coconut oil as well.

From “healthline.com”: ”Castile soap is an amazingly versatile vegetable-based soap that’s made free of animal fats and synthetic ingredients. This natural, nontoxic, biodegradable soap is available in bar or liquid form.

The plant oils give the soap its lathering, moisturising, and cleansing properties.

Castile soap can be used on your body, to clean your house, and even on pets.

You may find that a bottle or bar of Castile soap conveniently replaces a plethora of other products in your home”.


Castile Soap is truly a unique product, in the sense that it is very gentle on the skin, but it is also powerful, and just a few drops will go a long way.

It is completely natural and therefore safe to use by everyone.

Here’s a list of some of its many benefits:

Gentle cleanse without the toxins.

Almost all soaps use toxic sulphates to get that lather you are so used to. Castile Soap instead lathers naturally. 

Safe for sensitive skin. 

Castile Soap is made of simple and safe plant oils, with no added harsh chemicals, so it is considered safe even on sensitive skin. 

It can help oily, acne-prone skin.

The antibacterial properties of Castile Soap can help fight acne that is the result of bacterial build up on the skin.

Smooth and soothe dry, irritated skin.

The plant oils used to make Castile soap are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. These healthy fats don’t strip your skin of its natural oils, so Castile soap can promote a youthful and supple, glowing skin.

Naturally hydrating.

Castile soap retains its glycerin content in the manufacturing process, unlike the majority of synthetic commercial soaps. Glycerin is an important component of this soap cause it absorbs water from the air and moisturises the skin.

Not clogging on skin pores.

Castile soap gently but efficiently cleanses the skin, without irritating and clogging the pores. It also promotes the natural process of skin renewal by helping shedding dead skin cells.

Natural free radical protection.

Plant oils such as olive oil, are rich in antioxidants like Vitamins E and A. Therefore, regular use of Castile Soap can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Castile soap can help in alleviating some skin conditions.

Nutrient rich plant oils contain anti inflammatory compounds that can help reduce skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Learn the many uses of Castile Soap.Get the FREE EBOOK with all the info and tons of simple and quick recipes for every day use.

Is Castile Soap better than regular soap?

Because of its many benefits, Castile soap is most definitively a worthy alternative to store bought, chemicals and toxins loaded commercial soap.

To ensure a safe use, just make sure it is diluted properly before using.

Can you use Castile soap on your face?

As per the list of benefits mentioned above, Castile soap not only is safe to be used on your face, but it can help in fighting common skin issues like acne and eczema. It is safe for sensitive skin, as long as it is properly diluted.

Is Castile soap eco-friendly?

Commercial soap is made of animal fats like tallow and lard, or other animal byproducts like goat’s milk. Castile soap instead, is derived by plant oils like olive, hemp, avocado or coconut oil.

In addition to being vegan (because it isn’t derived by any animal product), Castile soap it’s also an environmentally conscious choice, as the soap itself is completely biodegradable.

Last, but not least, due to its versatility and the fact that Castile soap can replace so many household and beauty products, by using it you will also reduce your plastic consumption.


Yes, you can.

I have done all the hard work for you, so you can relax and just enjoy the many uses of Castile soap.

I have created an Ebook with a comprehensive list of everyday uses of Castile soap, such as personal care and household DIY products.

castile soap ebook cover
Castile soap ebook: a hands-on guide on how to start using this versatile, 100% natural and pure product! Get your FREE EBOOK now!



If you are reading my blog, you are most likely interested in using natural products in your home.

Getting started can be overwhelming of course, so don’t feel you have to make ALL the DIY products at once!

Start with one or two and then slowly incorporate more.

Before long, you will have completely switched to natural, home made products.

This products are not only good for your home and environmental friendly, but they are also budget friendly.

And, as an added bonus, they only take a few minutes to make, and even the children can help out.


As with any DIY mixture, it is important to remember that shelf life of these products is very short, especially if you are using water.

It’s always best to prepare small batches of DIY products.

Also, avoid mixing Castile soap with acidic items like vinegar or lemon juice as it can result in a white film being left behind.

Vinegar is acid while Castile soap is a base, and therefore the will “cancel each other out”: if you mix the two, the vinegar will reduce the Castile soap back to its original oils and you will be left with an oily substance on top every surface.

If you are planning on making any DIY product using Essential Oils, make sure you know what containers are safe for use. Read my post here to learn how to choose safely.


When buying Castile soap, it is important to know what you are actually buying. Look for a soap that it is 100% natural and pure, from a reputable brand. There are some companies that add other ingredients, such as sulfates, triclosan and fragrances, to it. The easiest way to know what you are buying is, as always, to read the labels.

Amazon is of course a great tool to get all your natural supplies.

Because Castile soap has so many uses, I’d recommend you stock up on it, so you will never run out!

When it comes to Castile Soap, the best brand on the market in my opinion is Dr. Bronner’s, and you can get the unscented soap here: 

Dr Bronner’s Baby Castile Liquid Soap


There are so many uses of Castile soap and I hope you will give some a try.

It is nice to know you are using natural products in your home, and at the same time you are saving money, and are doing your bit for the environment. 

Let me know if you try any of my DIY Recipes and of course if you like them.

castile soap ebook cover
Castile soap ebook: a hands-on guide on how to start using this versatile, 100% natural and pure product! Get your FREE EBOOK now!


If you want to switch to a natural lifestyle, and would like some help to get started, I’ll be happy to assist you.

I have a library of FREE RESOURCES for you to download.

And you can reach me for a private FREE consultation.

Till next time,

IMPORTANT: when using Essential Oils, make sure to use only CPTG Certified, Pure, Therapeutic Grade ones, like Doterra Essential Oils. The content of this blog post and any information provided here has not been evaluated by any government entity or medical practitioner. It is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, illness or condition. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical counselling. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from any medical condition or illness or injury, you SHOULD consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any product.

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