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Are you stressed?


Are you stressed, fatigued, depressed even? Well, please know that you are not alone.

Sometimes upon waking up in the morning, I just start thinking about what I have to do during the day ahead, and I just feel overwhelmed: school runs, lunches, work, swimming lessons, dance rehearsals, dinners, laundry, shopping, school meetings….yes, I know, the list is endless….

I get it my friends, I really do. I’m right there with you.

I have three children and sometimes I ask myself how am I going to fit everything in just one day? How do women do it all? They do it because they have to, and they do it by sacrificing self-care.

Now that I’m a mother, I look back to my childhood and understand what my own mother did for us. I think of her having to do laundry by hand, in our bath tub….Oh how life, especially for women, has improved thankfully.

Technology has undoubtedly made our life easier: we now have hoovers and washing machines and food processors and dish washers; and yet, we seem to be rushing all day long, and we have less and less time on our hands than our parents had 30 or 40 years ago. Why? Because we fall into this trap of having to do more, achieving more, put up a show for all of our friends and family.

We live in a self-serving and fast paced society, where the rewards need to be harvested quickly or they are deemed as unworthy of our time. We run from one activity to the other, from one responsibility to another one. 


Think about it for a second: if you were struggling financially and couldn’t keep up with your mortgage repayments, and then all of a sudden you won a large sum of money at the lotto, it wouldn’t make any sense to go to Las Vegas and possibly loose all that cash in a Casino. No, you would “invest” and make good use of that money by paying your bills. So why when we have free time we decide to fill it with yet another chore or another commitment, instead of using that free time to look after ourselves and “invest” in our health? If money is the financial credit we get from the lottery win, then time is the most precious currency in our life.

If you feel compelled by the pressure society puts on us, then take a step back and look at what’s really important in your life. Take a deep breath… or two… and look at your family first of all; and if you have children just remember that they are only small for a very short period of time and they need their mum, not a perfectly clean house, or an immaculate shirt going to school, or a gourmet meal every night. THEY NEED YOU. And if you don’t look after yourself, nobody will.

So take some time to look after your body and your mental health. Do what you like, go for a walk, meet a friend for coffee, learn that language you always wanted to speak, buy that dress you saw last week. 

Learn to say no sometimes.

Make a commitment to yourself because looking after yourself is not selfish.

Give yourself permission to be just you for a couple of hours, and not just a mother or a partner. We all need that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty as charged: if you know me, you know that I never stop for a second, I’m always on the go. But I do make time for myself, and sometimes I just do the things I want to do without feeling the pressure of other people’s expectations.

And if I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I go to my precious little box of DoTerra Essential Oils and just pick the oil that I’m drawn to on that particular moment.

DoTerra has wonderful oils and blends to support you when you are struggling mentally and when you are experiencing stress.

Lavender is my absolute favorite when it comes to aromatic use, followed by Serenity and Balance. Wild orange is another great option. Peace works wonder for lack of sleep.

Help is out there and is available to you right now, you just need to reach out for it. 

If anything I said in this post reminds you of yourself, then decide now to take charge of your own health and mental wellbeing.

You’ll be surprised by the results, I promise.

If you want to know more about how Doterra can help you and your family, just send me a message and we’ll take it from there.

Take care.

Till next time.

IMPORTANT: when using Essential Oils, make sure to use only CPTG Certified, Pure, Therapeutic Grade ones, like Doterra Essential Oils. The content of this blog post and any information provided here has not been evaluated by any government entity or medical practitioner. It is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, illness or condition. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical counselling. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from any medical condition or illness or injury, you SHOULD consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any product.

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